Tag Archives: Equines

Side Reins ~ Georgina Roberts




There are different types of side reins but the most common have an elastic insert. They buckle around the girthstrap / onto the appropriate height surgingle ring, and clip onto the bit. They can be fitted higher or lower depending on the frame that the rider is hoping to achieve.



A horse that is fidgety or snatchy in the contact. They can pull against the contact but there will only be resistance until they give in to the pressure. It also encourages them so be still and confident in the contact as it is not erratic and stays steady.



A horse that hangs on the contact would be better suited to something more mobile, like the Pessoa rein (see next month of Equilife) as a side-rein will just encourage this. Also unsuitable would be a very physically immature horse lacking in topline – they need more substance before they can sustain a frame, and as the side-rein is primarily to improve connection they would benefit more from something that encourages a greener “long and low frame”, such as the Halsverlenger (or neck elastic).



Many people who do not like side reins have fitted them too tightly to begin with and the horse has panicked. They should be fitted slightly loosely to begin with that the horse may just get a hint of the contact on the other side, and gradually shortened until the poll is the highest point and the face is on the vertical. A side rein that is also too loose will have no benefit.



(pictures) Ideally the horse should be lunged off of a lunge cavesson, that the horse is purely getting a rein aid from the unemotional and consistent side rein, which will encourage the correct feeling. Remember that just as with riding, the side reins should be completely disconnected intermittently to allow the horse to stretch it’s neck and have a “free walk” to relax before being reconnected. Also remember as with any true connection, it is essential that the horse is active and forward in the work that the energy comes through from behind and ends solidly but lightly in the hand. If the horse is hiding behind the vertical and creates a slack in the side rein, this is an indication that they need to be pushed forward more positively.



Do not apply the side reins too tight to begin with or the horse may panic and rear up on feeling so restrained; horses are claustrophobic by nature and this is their instictive reaction. Also beware letting the horse lean on the side rein, thus becoming dead in the contact. Do not lead horses out of the stable with the side rein on; let them walk freely to the arena and then put them on, so that if they do brace against it you can encourage them forward and into the contact.

EVALUATING AND CHOOSING YOUR HAY -Hannah Botha (MSC Equine Science, Royal Agricultural College, UK)

When choosing the type of hay to purchase, it is always wise, not only to choose the type your horse prefers, but also one that   matches his nutritional needs.

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The most economical feeding programs maximize forage intake and then add concentrate feeds to meet any unfulfilled requirements. High grain intakes have been implicated as a risk factor in equine colic, which is a good reason to feed as much hay as possible. Diets with low levels of hay have also been related to an increased incidence of stall vices such as cribbing and wood chewing.

All horses should have a minimum of 1.5% of body weight per day in roughage. As a rough guide a horse needing a restricted diet because of being either overweight or simply a good doer could be reduced to an absolute minimum of 1% per day.


Points to consider- Leaf to Stem Ratio

 The leaves have a higher level of digestible nutrients than the stems and thus a larger leaf content is desirable. If the hay has a higher proportion of rough, thick stems and a very low leaf content, it generally points towards a less nutritious batch.



 The biggest variable affecting nutrient content is the stage of maturity at harvest (cut). Very early cut hay often has a soft texture, is very leafy, and has a high nutrient density and palatability. Mid maturity hays are the most suitable for the average horse as they contain a good combination of leaf and stems while still being palatable. Mature cut hays tend to have a low nutrient value and palatability, meaning fussy eaters may not take well to this cut. However, this type of hay can be a more desirable for horses needing a low calorie diet


Types of Hay


Lucerne generally has a higher nutritional value than most hays and is thus more suitable for horses with higher needs such as those in hard work, mares in foal or those who are lactating. Lucerne typically has a good ratio of stems to leaves, and provides a good level of calcium, quality fibre as well as other valuable nutrients. Mid cut Lucerne hay has a lower content of NSC and sugar making it suitable for those from conditions such as Laminitics, Insulin Resistance and Cushings.

Lucerne can be high in energy and protein which can be advantageous however it could cause excesses if the energy and protein amounts are not adjusted in the concentrate food of the average horse. Ideally no more than 50% of the daily roughage portion should be Lucerne.

It has been shown in many research studies that Lucerne, can assist in reducing the stomach ph of horses which may be desirable in gastric ulcer situations.

Oat Hay

Cereal grain hays, such as oaten, barley, or rye hay are all high in NSCs during their growth phase. When cut at the optimum pre bloom stage (before flowering) for hay, they can contain in excess of 30% NSC and sugars. This makes cereal hays less ideal for sensitive horses. Once they seed (mature cute) however, the sugars are transferred to the seed head to form starch in the grain, leaving the stems with less sugar content. Good quality oaten hay is likely to be the most dangerous for sensitive horses as it is often cut and cured before or at milk seed stage.

Teff and Eragrostis curvula

Teff and Eragrostis are the two most widely used varieties in SA. They are palatable and provide a good amount of fibre without providing too high an energy value. This makes them suitable for the majority of horses. The major disadvantage of these hays is that the nutritional value can range hugely from good to extremely poor quality. Always select these types of hay carefully, looking for optimum harvesting stage, colour and leaf to stem ratio. Studies have shown Teff hay can have a low NSC averaging around 10% or less. This makes it a suitable grass for those with issues such as laminitis, Cushings and Insulin resistance.


Selecting Hay

Local availability often influences the popularity of a particular variety of hay in a geographical area. If you can’t guarantee a regular supply of particular hay in your area then rather choose one you know will be readily available.

Most important of all, however, is that the hay is clean and free of weeds and field contaminations (such as tin cans, twine etc). Hay that is mouldy or dusty should not be fed to horses. Any hay that contains dust or mould can inflame the respiratory tract and impair breathing ability. Hay should be green in colour, with a pleasant aroma. A very sickly smell can indicate overheating, a “straw” like colour can indicate excessive sun exposure and Brown hay can indicate rain damage.

Ideally before buying hay, a sample should be tested in order to get idea of the nutritional value, to assist your nutritionist in assessing the horse’s total diet.